Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 6, 2013

Builder Mod is not like any other instant structure mod. With this mod you can create 31 different structures using only 3 blocks. This is possible because of the item in hand on the activation of the block. There are, as I said 3 different blocks for 3 very different types of structure sets. The first set is for some Unique homes. Two of these homes are a very large tree house and the other is a very large snow man. The next block is for basic village structures, this will allow you to create villages in a way that you see fit. The last block is for making your own Japanese Village. This structure set however is not quite finished and has some structures that have extra ground layers, dirt and stone etc…

Unique Homes

Builder Mod

Crafting…the icon has been updated but the crafting is still the same…

Builder Mod


Tree House
Builder Mod

Snow Man
Builder Mod

Sand Castle
Builder Mod

Builder Mod

Hobbit Home
Builder Mod

Right click on the block with these objects in hand for each different structure to be created…

  • Tree House_______Hammer

  • Snow Man________Coal

  • Sand Castle______Stone Shovel

  • Igloo____________Snowball

  • Hobbit Home_____Wooden Sword

  • Wizard Shop_____Fermented Spider Eye

Standard Village

Builder Mod

Crafting…again the Icon has been updated but the crafting is still the same

Builder Mod


Builder Mod

Right click with these objects in hand for the various structures that you would find in a village

  • Church_________________Book

  • Black Smith_____________Hammer

  • Cubic House____________Wood Axe

  • Fenced Cubic House______Stone Axe

  • House with Fenced Yard___Iron Hoe

  • Hut____________________Stick

  • Library_________________Paper

  • Small Garden___________Stone Hoe

  • Well__________________Empty Bucket

  • Big House_____________Gold Axe

  • Big Garden____________Gold Hoe


Builder Mod

Crafting…once again updated icon is above, crafting is still the same

Builder Mod


Builder Mod

These items will trigger the different structures

  • Belfry________________Iron Helmet

  • Belltower_____________EmptyBucket

  • GardenBuilding________Wheat

  • Crops________________Wood Hoe

  • Dojo_________________Wood Sword

  • Great Hall____________Raw Beef

  • Large House__________Iron Sword

  • Large Shop___________Gold Sword

  • Diety Shrine__________Feather

  • Magistrate___________Diamond Sword

  • Medium House_______Brick

  • Pagoda_____________Emerald

  • Shrine______________Stick

  • Castle______________Nether Star



Builder Mod


Builder Mod


Builder Mod

Builder Table

Builder Mod

Builder Mod Installation:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge

  • Download Builder Mod

  • Put Builder Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.

  • Done

Download: (1.4 MB)

Credits: microjunk

Builder Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2

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