Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 6, 2013

TabbyChat Mod will makes a new ‘tab’ is created above the chat window.  This tab contains only the messages from that channel and filters out the rest. The first tab listed will always be the catch-all tab, holding all received messages just like you would see without this mod, and is denoted with a * (asterisk).

tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod tabbychat-mod

 Core Functionalities:

  • Currently active tabs denoted by light-blue text/background, names surrounded by brackets

  • Inactive tab name text is gray in color

  • Inactive tabs that contain unread chat are surrounded by angle brackets, and text is red in color

  • Tabs can be closed/removed by holding down the left Shift key while clicking

  • Multiple tabs can be selected by left Control clicking

  • Configuration of the mod separated into global (general/advanced) and server-specific (server/filters) settings, accessible by Shift-clicking on the initial * (asterisk) tab

  • Tabs will also be created for chats sent/received player-to-player, i.e. the /msg command from Essentials, depending on the server configuration (i.e. delimiters)

  • The mod disables itself during single-player play (this check is triggered by a chat event)

Additional Features:

  • Define custom filters, allowing you to direct/exclude chat from tabs you want.  Also configure highlighting the matching text, and play a sound when a match is found

  • Send multi-line messages at once, automatically split into multiple sends by TabbyChat, with a configurable time-delay between them

  • Log chat to file

  • Add timestamps to chat messages

  • Automatically ‘group’ repeated messages (consolidate spam)

  • Chat tabs with un-displayed messages can flash red to notify you of un-read chat

  • Customize the size of your chatbox display to a configurable percentage of your current window size (20% to 100%)

  • Customize how long new chat messages stay on the screen when the chat screen is inactive

  • Force Unicode Rendering for Chat

Serve Setting:

General Config

  • TabbyChat Enabled: Enabled/disables TabbyChat.  When disabled, tabs will be destroyed and all chat will appear in the same window as it does without this mod.

  • Save chat to local log: When on, TabbyChat will save all chat to a text file in a .minecraft/TabbyChatLogs folder.  A new log file will be created each day, but the same log will be used for multiple servers.  This log will contain timestamps if the Timestamp dispay option is on.

  • Timestamps: When on, each chat line will begin with the current time in preset format.  A small number of timestamp format presets are currently available, left or right-click on the time displayed in the gray box to select.

  • Consolidate spammed chat: For each channel/tab, new chat messages will be compared with the previous message, and if they are the same, TabbyChat will append a message counter on the end of the previous message instead of adding the new message.  Note: this may option may be resource-intensive, YMMV.

  • Unread notification flashing: When on, new chat messages that arrive to background tabs will cause those tabs to flash red in the chatbox area when the chatbox is not active/focused.

Serve Config

  • Auto search for new channels: When on, coupled with the Chat-Channel Delimiter server setting, TabbyChat will attempt to identify new chat channels by looking for channel names surrounded by the delimiters at the beginning of each chat message (e.g. “”, or “[G]“, or whatever).  When found, a new tab will be created with this name and will contain only those messages.  When off, TabbyChat will still attempt to match chat messages to currently-existing tabs and filter rules, but new tabs will not be automatically created.

  • Chat-channel delimiters: This tells TabbyChat what characters to watch for when trying to determine the chat channel, either automatically or otherwise.  For example, “[G]” may indicate the Global chat channel, which is delimited by brackets on either side of the name.  Available options are Angles <>, Braces {}, Brackets [], and Parenthesis ().

  • Delimiter formatting: Force TabbyChat to only consider new channel delimiters that adhere to a defined text color/style here (actually only the first delimiter must match).  Left or right-click on this box to move forward/backward between available text colors and styles.

  • Default channels: This box should contain a comma-separated list of chat tabs that you want to be created everytime you sign on the server, regardless of whether or not TabbyChat has seen chat in that channel yet.  For example, if you specify “G, N, Local”, then TabbyChat will automatically create these tabs right away and not wait until chat in that channel appears.  This helps you control the tab display order (since these are created first), and they will also still work when auto-search is turned off.

  • Ignored channels: This is a comma-separated list of names that TabbyChat may think are chat channels, but that you want it to ignore.  For instance, if you occasionally see chat messages beginning with “” that TabbyChat creates a tab for, but you don’t want a tab, you can specify “Server” in the ignored channels list.

Custom Filter

  • Filter Name: The topmost textbox is for the filter name.  This is primarily to help you remember what the filter is for.  Use the “<>” buttons to flip between filters, and “New”/”Delete” buttons at the bottom-left to make more/less.

  • Send matches to tab: Chat messages that match this filter (or don’t, if “Inverse match” is on) will be sent to and show up in the tab you specify in “Tab Name”, or to all tabs if “All tabs” is checked.

  • Hide matches from chat:  If this is checked, chat messages matching the filter will not be shown in any tab except the * (asterisk) tab (which is purposely left untouched).  ”Send matches to tab” and “Highlight matches” must be unchecked to enable this option.

  • Highlight matches: The portion of the chat message matching the filter will be highlighted/formatted as defined in the below “Color” and “Format” boxes.

  • Audio Notification: Plays a sound when a filter finds a match.  Click on the box next to “Sound” to configure the desired notification sound.

  • Inverse match: If this is on, TabbyChat will flag chat messages that DON’T match this filter.  This option doesn’t work in conjunction with highlighting, and is most useful with the “Send matches to tab” option.  This essentially will let you make a new chat tab containing all chat messages EXCEPT a certain type.

  • Case-sensitive: When on, the filter is applied in a case-sensitive fashion (i.e. upper-case letters in the expression must match in the chat)

  • Filter expression: This is the key setting that determines what this filter matches.  This is defined using regular expression syntax, which TabbyChat will use to comb through chat messages for a match.  More details and explanation in the below post.

Advanced Settings

  • Chat history to retain:  How many lines of chat to keep in the chat window for each tab (accessible by scrolling up/down)

  • Channel name max. length: When auto-search is enabled, this helps TabbyChat know a realistic number of letters to expect in chat-channel names.  So, a setting of 10 would catch [Nether] but not [Announcement].

  • Multi-chat send delay: If you compose and send a chat that requires multiple ‘sends’ (denoted by the gray number on the far right of the chat input box), this time delay will be enforced between each ‘send’.

  • Custom Chatbox size: When enabled, the sliders below will control the size of the chatbox on screen, as a percentage of the current screen size.  Note – chat messages are formatted to the width of the chatbox as they are received – they are not re-formated again if the chatbox dimensions change.

  • Chat fade time: When a chat message is received and the chat screen is not currently active, the message typically displays for a period of time on your screen and then fades away.  This slider controls how long the message should stay visible (the Unfocused chatbox height controls how many you may see at one time).

TabbyChat Mod Installation:

Credit: RocketMan10404

TabbyChat Mod Download:


TabbyChat Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2
Source: Free download minecraft

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