Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 7, 2013

Elemental Orbs Mod allows you to use element-related orbs to do many things to the area around you and much more!

Getting Started


- Catches nearby mobs on fire.

- Strikes nearby entities with lightning.

- Explodes nearby entities.

- Freezes nearby water.

- “Freezes” nearby mobs.

- Must be right clicked on a mob.

- Teleports mob away.

- Evaporates nearby water.

- Kills all nearby plant life.

- Turns some nearby grass/dirt into dirt/sand.

- Grows nearby crops

- Turns nearby stone brick/cobblestone into their mossy versions

- Plants trees

- Plants grass

- Plants flowers

- Keeps you surrounded in water while right clicking

- Useful for escaping mobs, getting across ravines, scaling walls, or preventing fall damage

- Takes practice to use efficiently

-To use efficiently, hold right click and move just as if you were flying

- Turns ground materials into nether materials

- Spawns occasional lava

- Plants mushrooms and nether wart

- Spawns a few zombie pigmen

- Spawns random passive mobs on nearby grass

- Occasionally spawns a zombie

- Spawns a wolf (and a bugged one, it’s being worked on)

- Omega version spawns an iron golem (and a bugged one, it’s being worked on)

- Places torches/glowstone is dark areas around you

- Smelts blocks around you (ex. Clay to Brick)

- Catches blocks around you on fire

- Rename in anvil

- Right click to teleport you to the player which you renamed the orb to be

- Standard: 10 uses / Omega: 30 uses

- Changes ground materials to end stone

- Spawns Enderman

- Creates obsidian towers

Omega Upgrader:


- When right clicked with an orb, turns that orb into its omega version

- Gets destroyed when the above action is performed

Omega Ore:

- Rare ore that glows slightly

- Drops one omega stone when mined

Aluminum Ore:

- A semi-rare ore that is found in big pockets

- Can be smelted to make aluminum ingots


- A highly flammable substance that can be used a fuel

- Burns for more that twice as long as coal

- Used to craft the heat orb

Iron Oxide:

- Used to craft the Thermite

Aluminum Powder:

- Used to craft the Thermite


Credits: MaximumTechnology

Elemental Orbs Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2

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