Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 7, 2013

Instant Mining Mod adds 3 tools, but as of now you can only craft one of them.

Instant Mining Mod Free

The three tools are:

  • Mining Tool – A fast-mining tool that can be crafted ingame, but cannot break bedrock

  • Delete Tool – A tool that delete blocks you right click on, by default bedrock cannot be deleted (see configfile)

  • Combi Tool – This is the combination of the first two, and gives you both the ability to delete blocks (right click) and mine them fast (left click).

FYI: These tools don’t have any uses, they will last for ever. Also Mining tool is the only one available in survival(except with cheats).


Only the mining tool can be crafted right now.


Instant Mining Mod Installation:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge installer

  • Download Instant Mining Mod

  • Put the zip-file into the mods folder in your minecraft folder. (Do not extract!)

  • Enjoy


  • There is a configuration file in “\config\Instant.cfg” inside your minecraft folder.

  • Inside this file you can configure all id’s and enable/disable bedrock deletion in this mod.

Download For 1.6.2


  • Popill

  • Oxey

  • Rubiddxx

  • mira03

  • mr_burn

  • Xnet

Instant Mining Mod for Minecraft 1.6.2
Instant Mining Mod adds 3 tools, but as of now you can only craft one of them.

The three tools are:

Mining Tool – A fast-mining tool that can be crafted ingame, but cannot break bedrock
Delete Tool – A tool that delete blocks you right click on, by default bedrock cannot be deleted (see...
Source: Free download minecraft

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