Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 6, 2013

Better Bows Mod adds some new bows, various new arrow types, and quivers to hold arrows and allow you to easily switch between arrow types to fire.

This mod does not replace vanilla bows, it only changed to have leather for padding on the string.

The bows from this mod are meant to be used with the quivers, not with arrows straight in your inventory, because with quivers you can nock the arrows quicker and switch between them more conveniently. 

This mod has to replace the vanilla arrows to make them able to split, expect a message saying item ID 262 is mismatched.

Skeletons will spawn with this mod’s bows, with a small chance of spawning with a longbow, and a larger chance to spawn with a recurve bow. They also have a chance of spawning with potion arrows (poison or weakness). If you enable “allowSkeletonGriefing” in the config, they also have a chance of spawning with fire arrows, and a much much lower chance of spawning with impact explosive arrows, but only in hard mode.

Better Bows Mod Better Bows Mod Better Bows Mod


  • Normal bow: This bow is basically the same as the vanilla bow.

Better Bows Mod

  • Recurve bow: This bow fires faster arrows than the normal bow, has less durability and takes longer to pull back.

Better Bows Mod

  • Longbow: The longbow is the longest-range bow in this mod (so far). It fires much faster arrows than the normal bow, has the same durability, and takes much longer to pull back.

Better Bows Mod

  • Yumi: Has the same durability as the normal bow, higher power/range than the recurve bow, and takes a bit longer to pull back than the longbow. Its stats are basically between the recurve bow and the longbow, except its durability is the same as the longbow and normal bow.

Better Bows Mod

  • Composite bow: The composite bow is the fastest-firing bow (in rate of fire) of them all. The crafting recipe is (so far) the most complicated, too. To craft it, you’ll need two rotten flesh, a water bottle, a bone, a stick, a piece of leather, and three string. The crafting recipes using all these items are below.
    • Sinew:

Better Bows Mod

    • Bottled rotten flesh

Better Bows Mod

    • Hide glue

Better Bows Mod

    • Bow

Better Bows Mod

Arrow Types

  • Fire arrow: Arrows that are on fire. They light blocks on fire after a fraction of a second, then burn away.

Better Bows Mod

  • Impact explosive arrow: Explodes on impact with the ground or a mob. The explosion is quite small.

Better Bows Mod

  • Timed explosive arrow: Explodes somewhere around 1.5 seconds after being fired. The explosion is almost the size of a creeper explosion, and is quite deadly. These arrows do not stick in entities, but bounce off.

Better Bows Mod

  • Ender arrow: This arrow teleports whoever shoots it to where it lands. By default, these arrows will load chunks around them so they continue to fly until they land.

Better Bows Mod

  • Torch arrow: Unlike the usual torch arrows, these will place torches wherever on a block the arrow lands. Multiple torches can go in one block. Currently there is no check to see whether a torch will conflict with another’s bounds in a block. The torches created will interact with liquids and pistons the same as normal torches, though if a torch arrow lands in water, it shouldn’t place a torch, but instead drop a torch item.

Better Bows Mod

  • Drill arrows: These will break through six blocks of stone. They use the effectiveness of a pickaxe to find out how many blocks to go through. When they are picked up after being fired, their flint drill heads will be broken and they’ll have to be crafted again to get back a working drill arrow. If they hit a mob, they’ll cause damage to it and pass through, possibly damaging another mob or breaking a block or two.

Better Bows Mod

  • Potion arrow: These arrows will affect whatever they hit with the effects of the potion they were crafted with.

Better Bows Mod

  • Splitting arrows: All arrows are able to be turned into splitting arrows that can split into a number of arrows between 2 and 15 (inclusive). To craft them, place 2 or more arrows into the crafting table along with half that number (rounded down) of string. This is a shapeless recipe, so it doesn’t matter where they are.

Better Bows Mod


Better Bows Mod

Better Bows Mod Installation:

Credit: Zaggy1024

Better Bows Mod Download:

Better Bows Mod for MC

Better Bows Mod for MC

Better Bows Mod for Minecraft 1.5.1/1.5.2
Source: Free download minecraft

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