Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 6, 2013

Biomes O’ Plenty Mod is aim at creating more motivation for players to explore Minecraft world.  There are a lot of realistic biomes, some fantasy biomes, and other cool things we’ve added to the mod. It also adds custom achievements, all of which are just picking up blocks from certain biomes, like red rock, glowflower, etc.  They’re just meant to give people more of a reason to explore.

Village generation has been changed to allow villages to spawn in most relatively flat and realistic biomes (No fantasy biomes).  The biomes villages can generate in is completely configurable, as well as the distance between villages.  However, the distance between villages is only affected in the Biomes O’ Plenty world type.

Emerald ore can be found in multiple biomes outside of the Extreme Hills biome.  We won’t say which ones, as it’ll ruin the fun of finding them on your own.

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  • Apls: Tall, snowy mountains that touch the clouds, with spruce trees on the summit.

  • Artic: A flat, frozen wasteland covered in snow.

  • Badland: A barren wasteland of hills covered in hardened sand and clay.  The hardened sand will be replaced with hardened clay in Minecraft 1.6.

  • Bamboo forest: Tall bamboo trees overlook a flat, vibrant land with shrubs, bushes, and ferns.

  • Bayou: Overcast skies overlook a lush swampy area with tall cypress trees, and dead trees in the murky water.

  • Birch Forest: Peaceful forest covered in only birch tress and clover.

  • Bog: A swampy forest with short, decaying trees, bushes, and mud.

  • Boneyard: Tall, boney spines sticking out of the ground and ceiling of the Nether.

  • Boreal Forest: Tall, boney spines sticking out of the ground and ceiling of the Nether.

  • Brushland: A dry forest with short trees, bushes, and scattered thorns.

  • Canyon: Hills and valleys composed of hard dirt, with patches of grass and pine trees.

  • Chaparral: A hilly landscape with pockets of exposed stone, small shrubs, and bushes.

  • Cherry Blossom Grove: Pink and white cherry trees overlook a forest of pale green grass, anemones, tulips, and clover.

  • Coniferous Forest: Tall fir trees cover a temperate, and somewhat hilly region.

  • Corrupted Sands: A soulsand wasteland with thorns and tiny cacti scattered about.

  • Crag: Rough mountains with jagged peaks, deep, dark waters, and a dark, teal sky above.

  • Dead Forest: A relatively empty forest with dead and dying trees.

  • Deadlands: Smokey ash, smoldering grass, scattered fire, red-as-blood water, deep sinkholes, and the occasional group of Creepers can be found in the Deadlands.

  • Dead Swamp: A low-lying swamp with dead trees, dark blue waters, and mud.

  • Deciduous Forest: A thick forest with tall trees and shrubs.

  • Dunes: Steep, rolling hills of sand, with patches of dune grass, and a dusty sky above.

  • Fen: A dying, swampy forest with mud, cattails, toadstools, and other swampy goodness.

  • Field: Lush, vibrant green fields with large oak trees..

  • Frost Forest: A frozen forest covered in frost, with snowy skies above.

  • Fungi Forest: A very lush forest with trees, giant mushrooms, slimy water, and mooshrooms.

  • Garden: Lush fields of assorted flowers, grasses, and giant flowers.  A native mob to the Garden, Rosesters, can also be found here.

  • Glacier: Snow and hard ice make up the Glacier biome.

  • Grasslands: Rolling hills of green grass with lots of sugar cane and ponds.  Meant to represent the old Swamps from Beta 1.7.3 and below (When they didn’t really look like swamps).

  • Gravel Beach: A variation of the vanilla Beach biome, but with gravel instead of sand.

  • Grove: A relatively flat forest filled with poplar trees and small bushes.  Lots of clover can be found scattered around the dark green grass.

  • Healthland: A somewhat flat landscape with lots of oak trees, jacaranda shrubs, and wildflowers.

  • Highland: Thick grassy hills and cliffs covered in High Grass.

  • Hot Springs: Lots of natural hot springs surrounded by a pine and spruce forest.  Spring water gives the Regeneration effect, which heals players, as well as a new Nourishment effect, which restores hunger.

  • Icy Hills: Thick, snowy hills with magical ice trees under a snowy sky.  Snow Golems spawn naturally here.

  • Jade Cliffs: The winning biome from the 100 Page Celebration contest.  Jagged cliffs with shrubs and pine trees, under a jade sky.

  • Lush Desert: A lush, red rock desert with Acacia trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and pockets of sand and grass scattered around.

  • Lush Swamp: Meant to represent the original Swamplands biome in Beta 1.8, without any dark grass/foliage/water shading, and tall ivy trees.

  • Mangrove: An aquatic forest with thick, deep-rooted mangrove trees and shrubs.

  • Maple Woods: A hilly, peaceful woodland with red maple trees, and the occasional spruce tree.

  • Marsh: Sections of scattered grass, tall grass, high grass, and water make up the Marsh.

  • Meadow: Spruce trees and bushes cover a hilly area with sections of forest spread out among it.

  • Mesa: A red rock mountain landscape with desert grass, and a sandy, orange sky.

  • Moor: A dreary, mountainous landscape with lots of ponds and mud.

  • Mountains: A hilly forest of drab green oak and pine trees.

  • Mystic Grove: A magical land of tall trees, blue grass, and glowing flowers. Journey through the forest of magic trees under a mystical pink sky.

  • Oasis: Palm trees and ponds with grass surrounding them make up the Oasis.

  • Ominous Woods: A creepy, dark forest with dark trees, deathblooms, dark purple grass and foliage, and a dark, ominous sky.  Bats can be found flying around in the Ominous Woods as well.

  • Orchard: Summer is here in a forest with bright yellow-green grass, sunflowers, dandelions, and all kinds of other flowers.  Trees in the Orchard can grow with leaves that have a very high chance of dropping apples.

  • Origin Valley: A lush area made to resemble Minecraft before biomes were actually added, with bright green trees, vibrant grass, and a clear blue sky.

  • Outback: Patches of grass mixed in with hard sand, covered in small shrubs.

  • Overgrown Beach: A variation of the vanilla Beach with scattered patches of grass and dune grass.

  • Pasture: A relatively flat field of barley.

  • Phantasmagoric Inferno: A hot area with lots of lavafalls, lava pools, fire, and smoldering grass.

  • Polar: A flat, icy wasteland.

  • Prairie: A lush field with an assortment of grasses, anemones, and a few trees here and there.

  • Promised Land: only appears in its separate dimension, with a new Amethyst Ore, Loftwood Trees, and more! To get to the Promised Land, you must crafted an Ancient Staff (Crafting Recipe listed further down the page).  When you use it, a portal will appear high up in the sky where you used the staff.

  • Quagmire: A barren pit of mud with patches of grass and frequent dead trees, with muddy water and overcast skies above.

  • Rainforest: A lush, dense land with tons of oak and birch trees covering a very hilly terrain.  Ocelots can be found running around in the Rainforest as well.

  • Redwoods Forest: Huge redwood trees overlook a hilly landscape of shrubs and ferns.

  • Sacred Spings: Bright blue skies overlook a hilly region overgrown with shrubs, with lots of flowing water springs.

  • Savanna: A flat, dry land with acacia trees, tall and short grass, shrubs, wildflowers, and the occasional clover.

  • Scrubland: A dying grassland with shrubs, bushes, and other foliage.

  • Shield: Based off of the Canadian Shield, the Shield biome has spruce trees, exposed stone, gravel lining the shores, and lots of lakes.

  • Sludgepit: Low-lying, murky area covered in mud, with thick trees looming over.

  • Snowy Coniferous Forest: A snowy version of the Coniferous Forest.

  • Snowy Dead Forest: A snowy version of the Dead Forest, but with more dead trees, and less dying/spruce trees.

  • Spruces Woods: Meant to represent the snowless Taiga from Beta 1.8, but with more tall grass, slightly taller trees, and sprouts.

  • Steppe: Dead grass covers a flat landscape with patches of sand.

  • Temperate Rainforest: Tall trees, often covered in moss, as well as willow trees loom over the hills of shrubs and fern below.

  • Thicket: A thick, overgrown forest with shrubs and thorns, which hurt you if you walk into them.

  • Timber: A dense forest with tall, decaying trees, shrubs, and toadstools.

  • Tropical Rainforest: Dense broadleaf trees covering a relatively flat Tropical Rainforest with orange daisies and lots of Ocelots. The occasional melon can also be found in the Tropical Rainforest, along with sections of high grass.

  • Tropics: A tropical paradise of palm trees, orange daisies, anemones, and clear blue skies.

  • Tundra: Dead grass, shrubs, boulders, and gravel bordering the shores.

  • UnderGarden: An overgrown area of the Nether with Hellbark bushes, hanging ivy, patches of netherwart, and different types of mushrooms

  • Volcanno: A smoke filled sky is casted over a volcanic land of dark, ashy stone with flowing lava and pockets of ash.

  • Wasteland: Dried dirt, dead grass, and scattered dead trees cover a flat, barren land with toxic water and hazy skies.

  • Wetland: A lively, swamp-like area with willow trees, spruce trees, ferns, cat tails, and swampflowers. Mud can often be found bordering the land.

  • Woodlands: A dry forest made up of only oak trees, as well as fallen logs.


  • Mud Tools: Same as normal tools, but with mud balls in place of ore.  Sticks are still used.

  • Mud Armor: Same as normal armor, but with mud balls in place of ore.

  • Amethyst Tools: Same as normal tools, using amethyst for the ore, and iron ingots in place of sticks.

  • Amethyst Armor: Same as normal armor, using amethyst for the ore.

  • Wood: The custom logs and planks in this mod can be crafted into anything that vanilla logs/planks can, from doors, to stairs, to jukeboxes.  They can also be used as fuel.

  • Red Rock Cobble/Red Rock Bricks/Skystone Cobble/Skystone Brick/Mud Bricks: Red Rock Cobble/Bricks, Skystone Cobble/Bricks and Mud Bricks can be crafted into stairs and slabs like other materials.

  • Mystery Music Disc: We don’t want to give the exact crafting recipe, but it involves the normal Biomes O’ Plenty music disc, and another material added by the mod.

Biomes O’ Plenty Mod Installation:

  • Install with Forge.

Credit: TDWP_FTW

Biomes O’ Plenty Mod Download:

Biomes O’ Plenty

Biomes O" Plenty Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2
Source: Free download minecraft

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